R&D Financial Tips Blog

  • Owe More Taxes than You Can Pay? Here Are Your Options.

    Owe More Taxes than You Can Pay? Here Are Your Options.

    Tax season is upon us and unfortunately that means paying any taxes that may be outstanding.  Taxes should be carefully planned each year to ensure they do not become overwhelming, but what happens if you are faced with an unexpectedly large bill?

  • The Importance of Being Realistic About Your Finances

    The Importance of Being Realistic About Your Finances

    The term “keeping up with the Joneses” has been used for years to describe the desire to match the lifestyle of the people around you. While this expression historically referred to neighbours and close friends; today keeping up with Joneses means keeping up with the whole world… and we have social media to thank.

  • Should First Time Home Buyers Continue to Rent?

    Should First Time Home Buyers Continue to Rent?

    Housing prices have been climbing quickly. This is especially true in major urban centres where most Canadians live. The rate of increase for the average sale price appears to be climbing faster than people are able to save.Some Canadians see the dream of homeownership vanishing, others wonder if the choice to own is appropriate for…

  • 5 Reasons to Always File Your Taxes on Time.

    5 Reasons to Always File Your Taxes on Time.

    It happens to many Canadians every year – you don’t set aside enough time to get your paperwork together, and you file at the last minute, or in some isntances, even late. Here are 5 reasons as to why this could really hurt your financial plan, and even worse, cause potential headaches with CRA.

  • CRA: 3 Huge TFSA, RRSP, and CPP Changes in 2021

    CRA has announced rule changes which could greatly impact investors; these changes in 2021 apply to CPP, TFSAs and RRSPs. Learn more at Yahoo Finance. CRA: 3 Huge TFSA, RRSP, and CPP Changes in 2021

  • 2021 Guide to RRSPs: Your Questions Answered

    Do you have questions about RRSPs and how they could benefit you? Here is a great article via SunLife with questions that you should consider as we enter 2021. 2021 guide to RRSPs: Your top questions answered

  • RESP could be a child’s lifeline to a decent education as costs climb

    With this new world of pandemic schooling, the challenges of online vs. a safe COVID-19 learning environment make it hard to imagine what post-secondary school education will look like in the coming decade. But one thing that is almost certain is that the costs associate with education will continue to rise.

  • Don’t Let These Unexpected Closing Costs Catch You Off Guard

    As a first-time homebuyer, you are probably on a tight budget; you need to make every dollar count. Yet many report confusion when told how much money to bring to their lawyer’s office to complete their home purchase; it’s often thousands more than they planned for. Why does this happen and how can you better…

  • OSFI Changes Rules for Mortgage Deferrals

    OSFI, Canada’s banking regulator, announced that it will begin to phase out special regulatory capital treatment of deferrals given improving economic conditions. These changes are effective immediately for mortgage payment deferrals granted by the Big 6 banks through to the end of September. Those deferrals will now only receive special capital treatment for up to…

  • Wills 101 & Estate Planning

    Preparing a will isn’t something that most of us would look forward to. But this doesn’t mean that you should avoid it — especially when you consider how little it costs to save a lot of potential headaches.

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