RDFS - 5 Ways to Reach Your Retirement Goals

5 Ways to Reach Your Retirement Goals

Reaching Your Retirement Goals

Retirement – finally you get the chance to tap into your nestegg and enjoy the next phase of your life. You can make it, with the right plan.

Retirement goals vary from person to person, however, the basic thing required for reaching whatever retirement goals you have set for yourself is money. With adequate planning, reaching your retirement goal shouldn’t be a problem. Here are 5 ways to help you reach these retirement goals.

Sort Out Your Retirement Finances

Simplifying your retirement plans, especially if you have multiple accounts, is essential. If you have multiple retirement accounts, you may wish to consolidate them, or bring them all to the same advisor, in order to determine your total assets and asset allocation. This will enable you to know what you own in bonds, cash, and stock.

Take Note of Major Expenses

This is even more important when you are close to or in actual retirement. This is not the time to live large, especially if you depend solely on your retirement funds. Expenses such as buying a second house, a fast car, or any other luxury expenses should be avoided if you really want to achieve your retirement goals. Avoiding major expenses is a step in the right direction in reaching your retirement goals.

Don’t Fully Retire

Retirement doesn’t mean you should quit the labor market completely. You can still find something you love doing that can earn you income post-retirement. A part-time job or a small business can earn extra income which keeps you from dipping into retirement funds, and also has the benefit of keeping you mentally and physically active.

Beware of Scams

New financial scams, particularly online ones, are always emerging. Often, victims are unable to recover lost funds, or are only able to do so after incurring significant costs. It can be easy to fall for scams, especially the ones that promise quick and easy cash. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and any good investment should come from a reputable professional. 

Keep Track of Your Retirement Funds Yourself

If your main retirement plan comes from your employer, you should be extra vigilant. Companies may go bankrupt, shut down, or be acquired, and in the process lose the information of former employees. You should find a way to always reach out to the HR department to keep track of your pension.

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Bottom Line

While it is good to have a retirement goal, you can only get there by following a solid financial plan. If you are retired and looking to maximize your retirement funds, or want to get started with saving, then contact us for a no obligation review.



